Issue with game?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SadisticEyes, Sep 18, 2019.

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  1. There’s really nothing you can do. I’ve been told that deleting and re-downloading the app can fix it but I don’t think that always works.
  2. how to upgrade furniture ?
  3. I have this too. Its so annoying, i cant see what people are selling
  4. *wondering if they are really trying to fix the issue*
    Issue started after the new update when new ECs date was introduced
    And issue probably will be solved
    When the ECs Date will be gone

    They could of have tried to take it out and see if it works (those who spent ECs on the date get refund)

    But looks like they are waiting till hunt ends
  5. Take my words back.
    New update
    Problem solved

    Thanks ATA
  6. Issue fixed; Update your app

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