Oh and FYI that commercial makes Samsung look petty. Apple has never had to insult samsung to sell it's products. ? Moreover, insulting iPhone users doesn't make us want to buy Samsung. It makes us think you guys are just pretentious jerks with egos bigger than your "innovative" phones.
They don't run faster lololol. Apps are only better on iOS because there's only like 6 to work on, even less since developers get lazy and drop support for older iPhones. Try making an app compatible for the hundreds of androids. Android exclusive developers are the ones who actually work hard.
Also I'm aware Android doesn't mean Samsung. But you referenced a samsung commercial so of course I'm gonna mention samsung. Stop pointing out a well know fact to appear superior. ? iPhone doesn't equal iDiot. But thanks for looking like a jackass.
Whatever all I know is that Apple has sued samsung many times over patent infringements and has won about all so obviously you have the wrong company accused of being copy cats lololol
Have you read into the details of the copyright things? And how completely bull crap and little they are? Its like Microsoft suing Sony because their video game console can also play music.
Yet here we have Samsung manufacturing apples iPhone processors and getting sued every month by apple over baby shit. What a great company.
Lol and android isn't better than ios? Funny how we can see drops AND Actives in parties without crashing no less