Is The Spotlight is Fair.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Bellusa, Mar 19, 2020.


Spotlight should made more fair to lower level players?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Henlo Hoomans, I have returned with the Avi, exactly two weeks after I told Wednesday I would start trying for it

    iPanicAtDiscos and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  2. Bump for repeated awareness
  3. Which Date helps with the spotlight
  4. How do you hit the spotlight?
  5. What is XC or LB
  6. The good thing about the spitlight is that it gives Intels a unique advantage in the game. Many aspects of pimd favour strength builds such as status and the leaderboard for fights. And Um... The spotlight isn't liek that.

    Pranking and eavesdropping are by far the preferred method for engaging with it. In the past, the devs have disabled ed's from counting in pvp events because they felt they were too OP.

    I really hope they don't do that to this XC because it's the only thing it's got going for it.

    What's bad about it is that, as far as I can tell, it isn't divided into buckets. There could be multiple simultaneous spotlight events with smaller subsets of players. Like a minigame. Sort of like a certain old war event that people rewlly liked that could be described as "short and sweet" (beta wars).

    Anyway. Go on as usual.
    iTangerine likes this.
  7. Extracurricular and leaderboard