Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *PartyTime321 (01), Nov 7, 2011.

  1. A computer works on binary code or computer language, 1 and 0, like if I want the letter 'a' then the code is 1. So if there is an integer error, that means the binary code was not working and thus the computer(iPhone or iPod) cannot read what you posted and thus It cannot be sent.
  2.  can you say that agaaaaaaain?
  3. It's not even hard to understand what he means
  4. Letters convert to numbers so 1234 is abcd
  5. Apoc Shhhhhhhh.

    So...Would it be possible to type in only numbers and for the computer to understand what you were saying in letters and convert it?
  6. Nope even the number "1" has a different binary code so it can't be converted.
  7. So there's no way to rewire your computer so it could do that? Theoretically speaking.
  8. Sorry for my previous post I was confused at your question. the computer can understand the "1" and "0" code and change it to letters and vice versa but if you write in numbers the code is different from the 1 and 0 on the keyboard so you can't.
  9. o_O Coolio. Absofreakinglutely amazing.