is it weird

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Lheinssa (01), Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Hunter, please be quiet. Thanks. 
  2. Cool ur like um 2 years older then me
  3. I'm 16. However I'm not talking about groping people and about admiring 12 years olds boobs.
  4. Okay... Gross. >_>. Boobs aren't everything ya know.
  5. But yaaaa eyes and boobs are biggest things I look for first
  6. How shallow can you be? Once again, please be quiet. Thanks. 
  7. I don't admire 12 year old boobs jeez I ain't no perv.....I admire 13 year olds ones
  8. And i look for personality something you lack
  9. Hi cheecky welcome to the thread is it weird may I take ur order
  10. Actuallly people say I'm really nice but I don't do this in rl only here
  11.  Remind me not to post any pics of my full body that shows my breasts.

    I'd like you to gtfo pimd, hunter.
  12. The only girls I've ever loved didn't have a huge chest but it didn't matter because it can be overlooked if you look inside. In my opinion the right person isn't downright ugly, has a great personality, and likes you for who you are. You trying to base a relationship on DDs is like building a house on quicksand.
  13. Cheeky you read my mind
  14. Girl* there was only one. I had to move away from her and it stills hurts a year later.
  15. iExx I love you for saying that
  16. My first real gf didnt have that big a chest and i loved her so much then i bought her a necklace we went to the movies had our first kiss i gave it to her and she lost it before the movie ended 