Is it really that big of a deal?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by NurseBecky, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. I mean, I suppose your thoughts could be flipped to how people are feeling about the celebs. Like they're being too sensitive. I just feel like all these thoughts, feelings, and reactions are valid. This is an unprecedented time and it's overall very emotional. Some people may not be as upset about the celebs as they come across and are just hyperfocusing on that anger out of pure boredom. Not that, like, it's healthy to do that but it might give insight
  2. Ok, you’re right I’m assuming people are going to think rationally. And that’s not always the case. But instead of sugar coating things and babying people and sparing everyone’s feelings because they aren’t thinking rationally, why don’t we instead try to lead people into a rational way of thinking? Wouldn’t that in turn be more productive?
  3. Maybe she feels like she's in prision because she's wearing a house arrest anklet

    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  4. Even if that were the case, who cares how Ellen feels, or why? Lol I just don’t get it
  5. But whattttt issssss it????
  6. Honestly, I kind of have this mentality too.

    I can understand why people might be upset, but I don’t think twice about celebrities and what they’re doing.
  7. Who knows lol there’s different medical devices you could have on your leg. With the location on her leg where it is I can’t imagine it’d be a house arrest anklet because it’s to high up, meaning the band would most likely be big enough to slip off your foot. Or maybe it is. But who gives a shit 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. Did you just bring this topic up so you could applaud yourself for allegedly being mOrE rAtIoNaL than all these ppl that seem to be bothering you so much
    Kefo and Carrie like this.
  9. That’s what I mean. I don’t think the issue is whether or not celebs are being insensitive I think the issue is the amount of people who are worried about it
  10. I do. I give a shït. I have an insatiable thirst for this knowledge.
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  11. I don’t think they owe it to anyone to necessarily be sensitive?

    Like in a sense, yes, people helped them get to where they are in life...but I don’t understand how that correlates to having to set a good example? In theory it would be ideal of course, but still.

    Just don’t pay attention to them? Like you do you and don’t let their supposed ignorance dampen your mood 🥴
    NurseBecky likes this.
  12. I have to admit, I too would also like to know if this is true 👀
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  13. I brought up the topic to start a conversation. I was responding to a comment about thinking rationally.
  14. Well, I found it distasteful. The idea of leading anyone into "the rational way of thinking" is kind of condescending. And rationally, people would be able to understand both sides of the coin. People behaving poorly towards celebs, as unkind as it can be, doesn't necessarily mean they're without cause.
  15. I’m sure if it is true it’ll come out eventually. Shit like that usually doesn’t stay quiet for long. But I’d also have to imagine that something would have come out about it during an arrest or sentencing before she was actually on house arrest
  16. She has a pr's literally their job to keep this stuff quiet
  17. It’s not about someone behaving poorly towards a celeb. It’s about people so sensitive to everything someone says or does all the time. Like everyone’s on the look out for someone saying something that could potentially offend someone else. It’s the fact that we’re teaching people to look for things to take offense to rather than teaching people to brush it off and stop giving a shit because that person doesn’t owe it to you to be sensitive. Should anyone be outright mean with the intention of hurting someone’s feelings? No. But should we get upset because someone with money in a pretty house isn’t being sensitive to the fact that the rest of us don’t have those things? Fuck no. We shouldn’t care. So if you’re implying that what I’m saying is distasteful because I’m not coddling the feelings of anyone who gets upset over shit that doesn’t matter, then I guess we just have differing opinions.
  18. I implied nothing, I straight up told you that I find you thinking you are more rational because you hold different ideas extremely distasteful.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  19. I don't care that much to be angry. I'm just saying it's stupid.

    Quarantine may not be easy for everyone, and I'm not strictly speaking about financial security. Some people may be stuck in quarantine with abusers.

    Celebrities have the privilege to be financially secure and sometimes forget that the majority of their demographic are not in the same boat. Positivity is great under the circumstances we are under but common sense is useful too
    Kefo, Carrie and Muschi like this.
  20. You should take a second to go back and read the previous comments. Because never once did I say “I am more rational than everyone else”. I responded to a comment in which someone else said that I was assuming other people are thinking rationally, in which I asked why we encourage irrationality. And if after rereading that previous conversation you still believe the way I think is distasteful then ok, it won’t hurt my feelings lol