I think this is the stupidest thing ata came up with so far (still to early to tell because they can always find something more dumb). I would care if they gave cats, kinis and money I still wouldn't do it and still think it is dumb. And I agree I play this game for the game not some dumb fake relationship. Now if the button said something else I might not care but it doesn't
Well it is called party in my dorm.. It's a college type of experience "game" and in college you date people.. So I think a relationship button is completely appropriate . Maybe it'll stop the noobs from posting on my wall.
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People in college write essays. Where is that in this game? people in college walk to class. Where is that in this game. Using the arguement of "people in college date" does not work. Where in college do you get a bonus because youre dating? No where. If youre going to college for dating, or you think your relationship status matters while attending school... youre doing it wrong.
Ummm. You should take your negativity elsewhere Cyric. This isn't real life. It's a game. Member? If you want to write essays, go write one. I have a MicroBio exam to study for this weekend. ️and I'm in a relationship..
Um yes pimd if u are gonna release this stupid feature, atleast make it where we can gift dns to our partners that way everyone can date their alts and send dns to their mains. After that they can always factory reset their device and do it again. Just think about it everyone running around with unlimited free dns beating the system. Dosent that sound fun to u losing cash on your own new feature! Sounds like a blast to me So yes plz release this system now so i can vip without paying u anything. I totally wasnt sarcastic with that paragraph, no matter how much it appears i was
Mari, im not being negative. Im expressing my opinion of an idea, an opinion that many agree with. Im glad you have an essay to complete and youre in a relationship. Tell me, which one of those actually has anything to do with college? which one is pimd introducing into the game I understand that this is a game. I like this game. Thats why im expressing my opinion about this idea so much. There are so many other things that ata could develope or imorove but they decided to work on something they were asked not to work on. Didnt HSH have this relationship thing? Where is that game now?
@PIMD idk if this is where I post issues but with this new update with the app I can't unfollow/block people. Please fix. Thanks.