Agreed with cyric. There were so many great idea. This was the worse one by far, yet you idiots wasted time develooing it regardless of the non support the community gave lmao. You are all bigger fuck ups than spitfires coding lmao
Hey ata, leave that crap off the update for droid. Seriously, so many amazing player ideas, and you pick your own crappy idea that No One but pervs liked? So what? Are you offically making this pervs in my door? Or are you Trying to get the pervs targeted for farming? Which is fine to me, after all you have just proven that the ppl who actually play dont matter to bits to y'all. This feature is, pathetic,ridiculous, unnecessary, and more importantly UNWANTED by the majority. This isnt a dating site after all. Kudos for once again showing ata is run by children.
But i guess theres a bright side to this... clear targets for pvp hitters. Oh, youre in a relationship? Lets see how well your rp stands up against my tb.
i'm in a rl relationship. I don't need labelled on a game. Because it's a game , not a dating site, not social media. Its no ones buisness what my status is and its not my buisness what other peoples relationship statuses are. This idea sucked since yoys brought it up, the community was clear that this feature was not wanted. Grats on fucking yourselves up once again
ATA how about u let me put⇨PIRATELIFE⇦ On the Prestige Pin. Letting us customize it with our own engraving is a wayyyyyyyy better idea then this relationship button. And u can charge us extra ec for the engraving
Pimd you never replied to my question about the last hunt and now have deleted the thread 6 anyway I wanted to know and sure many others do too... will we be getting the last item with our prize distribution for our showcase? We were able to buy the pokeys for our showcase but not this one? Like I would like the slippers for my showcase. Can we somehow get the last item please. Sorry for writing on the wrong thread but it was deleted before being answered...
Why is it ata comes out w/ this ridculousness then cant be bother to respond to all the negative feedback? Are you embarrassed? Or just driving home the fact you dont care about your players?
I think ata made this thinking 1. This is a college game 2. There are people with relationships in college I'm not saying I like the needs to be hidden for me ?
Theres a good part of the community that like wars and pvp. So much so that theyve come up with the awesome idea of having an ec item that boosts plunder. Thats a sure fire money maker right there. Why waste resources on developing an idea that was turned down by the community when you presented it? Do we get a stat bonus for relationship status? Do we share stats with our relationship partner? I dont care. The benefit of the stat bonus doesnt make up for the fact that this isnt a dating app.
Well Im married no need for a relationship button in a game I like the real thing. I was told the game had a big update that was going to kill all VIP clubs and most VIP players. looks like he was telling me the truth. Goodbye ATA and all people I have got to know. It was fun while it lasted. Im done from here. Glad my $2000+ helped you ata make a virtual dating game how lame..... -ORIGINAL SMOKIE-
Yes, people in college are in relationships... they also take their laundry home for mom and dad to take care of. Where is that in this game? People in college study hard to pass tests. Where is that in this game? People in college attend school functions like sports games. Where is that in this game? People in college pick their major. Where is that in this game? Being in college has nothing to do with being in a relationship. There are so many other things that ata could be driving this game towards.