Introducing the Prize Spinner!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. I've gotten tons of speakers
  2. I dont want the party box back to covering up most of your avatar??please people stoping complaining its freakin free god?
  3. this is messed up tbh everyone complaining keeps force closing n seems to me u only win cadh 
  4. Causing nothing but problems, everytime i try to.look at my profile game force closes. Any other android users having same problem ???
  5. Its free cash you didnt have to work to get whats the problem you people seem to complain about everything annoying ?
  7. You're welcome for the grammar fix ^
  8. Its crashing because your probably using and older driod mines does that get a better phone??i have no problems with my iphones n my newer driods??

  9. my spinner wheel dorm is right

    *always gets cash*
  10. the amount of complaints here about only getting cash is ridiculous... it's free y'all, can't really expect to get cats and kinis so easily then they would be out of a business cause no one would have to spend real cash buying them ..y'all sound like a bunch of whiny ass kids
  11. Is this permanent or like when will it be over?
  12. its permanen-TaY
  13. I could care less about the free junk. What I dont like is the revamped kiddie look.
  14. Can anyone tell me how to get to prize spinner???
  15. Im sorry but it doesnt look that kiddie to me looks like people just wanna complain to complain dont like it dont play??
  16. Yep, you don't get.

    Change is good, but this is ugly.
  17. Ahhh stfu
  18. I don't like how the party box looks is too small 
  19. all i get is cash!!! like really!!!!
  20. So far me too. Starting to believe getting a Hypnocat is impossible.