Introducing the Pear Watch (Gifts)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 29, 2015.

  1. We have a jesus, hes a lawnmower.
  3. Lmao
  4. 1000Ec watch no stats, 966 ec 14 cats make fake money for tutors and ugs which way you think we're going to lean towards. I want what you guys are smoking is it legal?
  5. im here straight from mexico how can i help you?
  6. We also have to remember that several players never check forums to see what theyre getting for their ecs.

  7. What does Jesus have to do w/ it?? Is he gonna buy us all the watches?
  8. ? I hope no one actually gifts the 1000 ec and 500 ec watches ? why is this even a thing?
  10. no no no, you see here im broke from spraypainting the rims on my lawnmower gold. then buying a big suv that i couldnt really afford and cant make the payments on and putting the nice spinny rims on it. but its ok because my cousin josè helps with some money. he works at mcdonalds
  11. Greedy ATA ?
  12. The struggle is real.
  13. Not gonna lie, at first I thought this was another
  14. 
  15. Too late someone gifted all including 500/1000 ec ones 
  16. Who is it ??
  17. This is complete BS
  18. Vip number 11-12 got them ?
  19. They did
  20. Pure greed Yall not making enough of these lame hunts and relationships items that Yall had to bring out these gifts what's next more avatars or another event to fill the quota this getting ridiculous