Introducing the Pear Watch (Gifts)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 29, 2015.

  1. Pimd_C. Be a beautiful person and send me a Neo Emperor Watch.  I will love you forever and ever, and spam feedback with love letters showing my devotion to your very existence.
  2. Yeah, okay.. 
  3. I'd rather spend my money on a real watch... What a waste of resource and time ATA...

    (Sarcasm) :roll:
  5.  true
  6. Lol ata monkeys hard at work inventing a new gift that does absolutely nothing
  7. I love that Ata has a sense of humor ?️
  8. Did any of your stupid watches tell you its time to stop taking the piss out of us?
  9. No stats  and I wonder who's going to actually waste 500-1000 ecs on this ?
  10. this was released at a bad time :lol: release this in few more days I will buy 1000 ec watch for all my accs 
  11. If anyone is actually dumb enough to spend $100 on an item with no stats, they need to be farmed ?
  12. :p
  13. LOL $100 dollar pixel watch that does nothing for you.......

    wow these guys 
  14. But NO STATS what a waste
  15. 1000EC NonStat MuCh WOOWZeR!
  16. >1000 ec

  17. Only really stupid ppl will waste 1,000EC on a statless item...gotta be freaking kidding me!!!
  18. Done lost they mind 