Okay, so. Remember a couple of months ago, when we said these avis + furniture + items were leaving the VIP Champagne Box and Social (Buddy) Boxes forever? You, saying goodbye forever. We thought of a better idea: they're not leaving forever... they've just found a new home! Introducing... LEGACY BOXES! cue the muses from Hercules breaking it down Everything You Need to Know About Legacy Boxes ☞ There are TWO kinds. CHAMPAGNE LEGACY BOX SOCIAL LEGACY BOX ☞ Ok, what's in them again? Legacy Boxes will contain past Champagne Box and Social Box content! This will allow the regular Champagne and Social boxes to carry both new content + Legacy Box content while still giving you the best chances of getting the shiny new things! Here's a full list of all the avis + furni + items going in the Legacy Boxes. ☞ Where can I get one? They have a chance of dropping from the Champagne Box and Social Box alongside their current contents so don't worry, you'll always have a shot of getting the new stuff! ☞How much are they to open? They will cost 1000 Cash! You heard it here first, get yo legacy on!
I'm happy ATA compromised with us. Lots of people were sad about the old stuff leaving forever. This makes my heart happy