Introducing Daily Sales!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Unfortunately I don't have any updates for you on that at the time but let's please keep this thread on topic.
  2. Casper why even try talking to pimd you know will just ignore your pvp talk -.-
  3. There's a new deal each day.
  4. Id rather pay reg price daily deal stupid and this purple omg ┻━┻ヽ(`Д´)ノ
  5. Updates are the topic.
  6. ?another making money scheme you going broke huh
  7. This thread is for discussing the new Daily Sales feature. Thanks.
  8. Even taking out objections about the layout, the offers are also very misleading. For example,

    $4.99 for 7 dns (and it shows 5 crossed out)

    However if you check the store you actually get 5+1 for $4.99. So offer represents a 40% increase when in fact its only a 16% increase (and still represents worse "value" than any of the bigger note packs on dns to $ ratio).
  9. SASSY :LOL:

  10. Still heaven forbidden there is something some one wants, it's not enough time for a phone call that may happen, hardly even enough time to check your bank account haha. Also, if you're not on 24 hours out of the day will the 30min timer just pop up while I'm sleeping? Or will it only start when I open my app?
  11. Well i just got rekt by gonna give myself a swirly.
  12. The timer starts when you open the app that day.
  13. okay can you please tell me where is the thread announcing the new layout cause i realy want to dscuss if there isnt then il discuss here or maybe in campus?
  14. When is the loading page and the icon changing? ?
  15. Its an annoying pop up :mad:
  16. This is definitely on topic pimd. How would you respond to the suggestion that at least one of your daily sales is misleading and overstates the benefit of the discount offered?
  17. Doctor's notes are valued at $0.99 USD each. This can be seen in the 1 Doctor's Note package in the Nurse. The specific $4.99 package clearly indicates it comes with 5 Doctor's Notes PLUS a single BONUS Doctor's Note. The value of 5 Doctor's Notes still remains $5, however that specific package offers 1 extra DN. The Sale Package still values them at $0.99 each in the same way, but provides you with TWO extras.
  18. Why did this need it's own little icon on home screen and pop up? ?Shoo shoo 