Introduce Yourself 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KeKe-KiLling_You_4_Fun, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Too fat to play
  2. I like eating the meat out of my
    Lunchables. I know you're supposed to put them together but I eat them separately.
  3. ? ouch. Be nice
  4. My name is Jennifer
    I like to
    •Be cold

    Fav things

    •Pineapple Grapples
    •Saying "Wot m8"
    •Anything I can relax on

    Favor colour is blue,purple,lavender, turquoise,yellow,red,and gray

    If I don't talk to you in pm,I'm too lazy to click my messages.
  5. Probably. Points for trying tho :')
  6. The name's Rohithand people usually call me Jr,Deez or Nuts.I was called Prof.Deez by some too.
    I'm a soccer major,likes to hangout,chat and i'm playful
    I draw alot,sing alot and laugh alot.
  7. im kitten looking 4 fun
  8. I am Bre/Awkward potato. The color green and I have been in an open relationship since I was 3.

    Favorite Hobbies:
    1. Lurking
    2. Eating
    3. Sleeping
    4. Talking to everyone/Talking to no one
    5. Repeat

    My Profession: Being a mess.
  9. I'm Christian. I am a Libra and believe I am a superhuman.
    I like to:
    - Play sports (all of them)
    - Read Wattpad stories while listening to my Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith playlist.
    - Talk to random people about random things
    - Watch movies and play the funny parts over and over again
    - Run away from any animal that cannoy fit in a fish tank.

    I like:
    - To look nice (although I'm quite ugly)
    - Friendly and open people
    - To stalk pretty girls (sometimes)
    - Broccoli
    - FOOD
    - Being lazy

    I hate:
    - Honey and Mangoes
    - Animals that cannot fit in a fish tank
    - Stupid people
    - Not knowing what vine my friends are talking about.
  10. Hi, my name is Britt. I like reading and listening to music. I spend most of my time on this game lurking (I find it hard to talk to people). I'm just a boring person.
  11. Most people on here are
  12. Hi I'm death and I love to take people's souls and eat them
  13. Well that's a bummer. But if it makes you happy then carry on.
  14. Aren't you the guy I always see watching me when I eat food in the cafeteria?
  15. Hi im pickles

    Im green, sheen, lean, and dilly with a hint of silly. 
  16. ^ You can tickle for a nickel.
  17. Can I get a hell ya!
  18. Hell ya! 
  19. Oh hell naawwww
  20. I object.