My name is Jett Green. I started this game 14 February 2012 (lost that account).My first home club was DeathEaters I am now at UPC. My hobbies are drawing(been doing it for 6 years and I do anime with a mix of reality)and I also like to play soccer.
Haha, I'm definitely not that fit. ATA_Clarke is way more fit than I am. That said, I'm off for a run now, so see you all later
Hi, I'm Nick or Wolf. I have an obsession with wolves because they're awesome. I like to draw, write, take photographs and travel. I recently went to Bangkok and made a new friend. I like snow but I live in a tropical country. So sometimes, I scrape the sides of our freezer so I can pretend we have snow.
Hello my name is Meagan (and I'm a pimdholic) I'm uh almost 21...I've been playing for like almost 4 years (3 on this account and almost 4 on TheMeggyBear) Jake and Molly <3 my babies I'm currently studying to be a nurse assistant and then I will study to be a nurse Hobbies: Singing, drawing, dancing, helping others, painting, photography, hiking, cooking, writing, going to the gym, running, is shopping a hobby? Yes? Okay good, and being with my friends When I'm home you can find me doing the following (stop stalking me Rude, Crystal and Britt) : Singing, Drawing, scrapbooking (Yeh I love it), taking pictures of like everything, playing video games, on the phone with my friends, working out and watching Netflix like a crazy person?I'm obsessed okay! Fav color is any shade of blue And I'm totally a foodie ??
Rude, Crystal and I love waiting 6 hours for you to come home and watching you scrapbook through your window. :')
Ohi, I'm still kinda a noob, that's ok tho. noobs r cool. uh, I like the colour blue n black( o no shade). I enjoy Netflix n chill, but by myself? but -the chill?¿ pizza is gr8 I laugh too much, u might catch me slippin with "LOL" all the time. Sometimes ppl refer to me as a robot cos wot r feels??¿ lame.? I'm generally a outgoing person, I think I'm hilarious. I'm sure not all agree tho? I also lurk a lot? ps; one time senpai noticed me?
Hi I'm MrsClaus aka Santa's Ho Ho Ho I'm sorry that was inappropriate and I might get silenced but who cares!!?! I've played this game for over 2 years but I reset several times and some people on here know me and some people don't.
Hi I'm crystal and I live a very boring life that consists of going to school, watching Netflix, eating. ?
I'm Forums , My real life name is Spencer. I'm very been playing pimd since September 28,2014 on this account. My old account clawdblue13 I reseted. My hobbies are coding with unity and messing around with HTML. I'm also in college for Game Coding.
Hi I'm Sonia and I live a very boring life that consists of going to school, watching Netflix, eating. ? ^ literally me