Intellectals of pimd 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. I just had a thought.

    If we could pass the speed of light somehow, would there be something like a sonic boom except it would be a visual boon or something? It would make sense.
  2. What Rhodsie said effectively repeat my post just slightly more in depth but oh well! Yes pray tell what is Redshift? And Einstein's theory shouldn't be changed. Just a new theory proposed
  3. Perhaps, although it depends on the size of the object, I suspect it'd be more of a clap as air fills the area the "machine" just vacated.
  4. I said challenged. I have always thought it was wrong but because the highest level science I've gotten to is Chem. 1 I lack the knowledge to do it myself.
  5. Do you think it's better to use embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells?
  6. Yes wolf, but it wouldn't be an actual sonic boom. I you could beat light then all of the photons would hit the front of the object and leave a black space where the space is devoid of photons.
  7. I say leave stem cells alone. Blah blah cure diseases blah blah. It's wrong to kill children and take their cells.
  8. Well. What about cloning the stem cells or using adult stem cells???
  9. I've never heard of adult stem cell facilitation. I have no idea about how they go about getting them so I have no opinion.
  10. Well stem cells in adults are hard to find and can be used to replicate some cells while embryonic stem cells can be transformed into other cells
  11. Don't use either. It is a road we shouldn't go down. Much like cloning.
  12. cloning is a bad idea. your clones will murder you and blame you fpr everything 

    Thats my "5 Year Old Answer"

    It would be hard to clone because everyones dna is diff. It may take years to identify the simplest blood cell.
  13. is a zombie apocalypse going to happen anytime soon? 
  14. Yes. It. Will. Happen. When.


  15. it is possible to make a zombie apocalypse happen with modern day science  nanobots for example
  16. great prediction.

    The zombie apocalypse will happen when iExx drinks stale milk and infects her boyfriend
  17. Her boyfriend? I'm a guy, bro.
  18. Yes. I am sure. 