OMG! my first BB Code Error. :'( A quote I saw while in the car. This quote may help you with your question. This is a very reasonable quote.
The meaning of life: To reproduce and adapt. Well, if we didn't reproduce, we'd die out, i mean, there'd be none of us left would there? And to adapt, because if we didn't we would have the same tech' as the very first monkeys ._.
No, and that's because we haven't discovered a means to do it. As the great Albert Einstein once hypothesised if you go faster than the speed of light you will travel back in time due to you going places time hasn't been able to get too first. (it's hard to explain in so little words. Although CERN have found a particle that travels faster than the speed of light (discovered in their analysis of their particle accelerator)
I think someone should challenge Einsteins theory. The way it was explained to me, it says to make an object travel at the speed of light you'd have to acquire more energy than exists in the universe. that's all fine but think about how light is made. It is such a significant process that the above statement seems absurd. Light is made by the simple movement of an electron. That's all it takes.
There are theories that you could maybe time travel through a black hole. A black hole could have an entrance to a worm hole which would theoretically travel you back or maybe forward in time. _Web
There is no definitive meaning of life, as existence itself allows each individual to create a meaning. As for time travel - last month the Gran Sasso facility in central Italy have had some remarkable results that show neutrinos arriving at their destination faster than the speed of light, and if true this would prove Einstein and the last 100 years of physics to be incorrect. They think there must be a mistake in the calculations somewhere but cannot locate it, so they have posted all workings on the net for the world's leading scientists to try and help.
The neutrinos left the Geneva facility in Switzerland, but arrived 450 miles away in Gran Sasso in Italy 60 billionths of a second later.
There have been tests made with the worlds largest particle accelerator on atoms that have extremely short rates of decay. They shoot an atom that should decay in less than a thousandth of a second and it lasts far longer than it should. With this information they came up with the proposal that when an object approaches the speed of light time slows to keep the celestial speed limit from being broken. With this knowledge we could technically do 2 things. The first is my theory. I'm proud of it. 1. Warp travel- If one could construct a device that could equate the speed of light, the device could travel whilst time stood still. You could literally travel in a second to anywhere in space. 2. Fast forwarding- If a person could invent the same machine as above then one could go the speed of light and stop time personally. Then they could wait for time outside to advance. It would feel like an instant for the person traveling but in actuality,they could be in the machine waiting an indefinite amount of time outside the machine. In short, time stops for the person on the machine while time is actually moving for everyone else.
I was hoping you'd know. It's something about speed and traveling in a certain direction, and the color of the object changes depending on the aforementioned variables. Something like that
I'd say once one equals light speed all would go black because you've caught up to the photons. That's all I know about that topic.
My teacher was talking about it but I was too busy talking to my friend in Arabic so... DERP :3 I only pay attention in math :3 I'm using ":3" too much. :3