Intellectals of pimd 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. But then, your main body funtions would shut down (walking, breathing)
  2. I have a question  how is there no beginning or end of space  this really screws with my brain
  3. You technically could. I have heard of people that have been able to use more than 50% of their brain
  4. Maybe 10% is just an average.
  5. I think I'm passing the barrier for muscle activation. I can bench 410 lbs at reps. Most people can only use 1/3 of their true strength. To use more you have to have your life depending on it, then adrenaline kicks in and unlocks the rest. It's for good reason we can't use it all because we are all so strong we can rip our bones away from our muscles.
  6. There's no end cause space is always expanding. But the expanding will end some day and space will start to recede until a second big bang happens again
  7. There is no end to space because then there space is infinite, and universe needs room to (unfortunately) seperate
  8. Space is tricky. Some say it wraps around itself and if we could see far enough we'd look at the back of our own heads. Others believe space is infinite but the universe is finite. I'm inclines to believe the latter but that's me.
  9. Here is a question... What will happen if someone becomes able to use 100% of their brain?
  10. At that point I'd believe that that person would be able to use telekinesis and would be able to cure any disease he would like
  11. what happens when an unstopptable force meets an immovable object?
  12. That's also a mystery. I would love to know. Perhaps influencing outside of ourselves? I believe we can already communicate telepathically. to test this, concentrate on a person. Look at them as deliberately as you can and think their name. I've done this many times and 8/10 times they look at you. It is really weird. I have also noticed it only works when they aren't concentrating on schoolwork or in a conversation. It like when their mind is wandering they can "hear" you.
  13. There is no unstoppable force or unmoveable object.
  14. is there a future going on during the present?
  15. Or you could look to twins. There's been a study that shows that twins can feel what the other can
  16. iExx I dubb you pimd intellectual of the night 

    Please continue with questions, very fun
  17. Yes curt, actions, events can be repeated. Deja vu 
  18. It's like the phrase, "history always repeats itself."
  19. Very true, history usually does repeat.

    Ex. Blacks used to be center of hate on USA( no offense, just general) they were discriminated.
    Now, Arabs, Israelies, Middle Easterners since 9/11 Think of it... How do we think of them differently than before? How does society see them now?

    I never discriminated them, thank you Aladin