injections 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Firbmthaawcmtmiw (01), Oct 23, 2011.

  1. I had to have them last year. it helps I you get a friend and squeeze their hand and try to relax, and don't stand up too quick like me or you'll fall over :L
  2. Umm... I freaked out  we were outside the doctors surgery and i froze  i refused too go in there. So now my mum is pissed cuz she had too make another apointment on friday 
    i don't want the injection, it's scary  lolz 
  3. My best friend just went through this he said it did not hurt and he is on his last treatment. Bring a book or iPhone or something to keep you occupied and you will be fine!
  4. Think of the bacon damn it (FTW)
  5. This was what happened to me.


    (Nurse's office)

    "It'll hurt. A lot."


    "Are you ready?"

    "Just get on with it. =_="

    -raises hand up high, needle in hand, and stabs my arm with it."

    "... =_="

    -pulls out-

    "Did it hurt?"

    "Why do you care?"

    "Did it?"

    "Obviously not. =_="

    -walks out, classmates stare at me when I walk back upstairs-

     Immunity. 
  6. Umm... Ok.... Axel and chloe  lolz
  7. well it worked on me it don't work on everyone!! don't worry i wimped out too so don't worry bwt it xx
  8. God, I got a flu shot and my arm was num ALL day, when I go up in the morning, I had to swing it back and forth to get it started 

    Good luck secily, it helps if you look away, and take a deep breath, and make sure your arm is soft: not flexing it or anything
  9. My sister puked when she got hers.
  10. The hpv/cervical cancer vaccination was introduced into English schools within the last few years (I want to say 2008 but can't swear) and I think is given round about age 13. It's a great idea to have it, most cervical cancer cases are linked to the hpv virus. One shot can save your life. Might be scary at the time but cancer is far worse. Hopefully it doesn't hurt. I had my flu shot the other day and my arm was stiff as hell for the next day. Swine flu is horrible though 

    Again, if you're in a clinical risk group and are offered the flu shot it's sensible to take it up. Flu kills every year.
  11. Stop being a pussy and get over it