Active Farms. RougueEGL bubbub1998 CheekyChloe --------------- Yep. Farm my inactive-active-semi-active account.
But what about for higher stats players? Honestly I really dont want these inactives to start dissapearing. Who am I supposed to farm then?
Being that this is a fighting game, not a volleying game, you should be expecting to get hit at least every once in a while, IMO. In response to some of the off-topic parts of this thread, RogueEGL had good reason to hit an AOH member, and if they had said about me what was said about him I'd have kept them pinned until I received a public apology. Just sayin'.
Epinephrine your LCBC already so that is easy for you to say. What about for lower stats like me trying to save up from volleying and farming inactives just to be LCBC like you offcourse we dont want to be hit. I just hope that there will be a resolution for this I don't want all the inactives to just suddenly dissapear.
But again, it's a FIGHTING game. Do you play baseball and expect to not have to touch a baseball? Join a swim team and expect to never have to jump in a pool? No, because that's ridiculous. So is playing a fighting game and not fighting.
But you got to understand if these inactives start dissapearing then who will we hit then? Active players? What if they have a lot of money out when you hit them because they are trying to save up as well don't you think they will get mad at you and start farming you as well. Then how can we low level stats players start to save then if that happens?
If people were afraid of being hit the tutor market would heat up again and he mechanics would return to this game. Originally you did not leave money out overnight for fear that you would get hit. Instead you would invest that money in the best value tutors you could find and earn a profit for that as they would sell fairly quickly.