Important message for Ashboo friends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iDivaAmWildAndNerdy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Hi friends!!
  2. Booooobear
  3. Biiiigggggg papa bear  Tee  Ninja 
  4. you're welcome. The obvious isn't always obvious.

    ^ I'm replying for JT
  5. Tiffy love what is this all about I do not wanna join your cult unless I'm getting handcuffed
  6. theres always handcuffs
  7. Tiffy is inactive farm ️
  8. Ashykins :3
  9. Lol jtucker1993, actually your aren't. Of the creator of the post asks you to no longer post on the thread or leave. By pimd rules of conduct you must.️Just so you know bro. Start reading rules.
  10. Is it to late??I'm innnnnnn like flynnn already followed both of you years ago 
  11. post on buytons wall if youre in
  12. efffff the typos...

  13. Yes!! What Ash saidplease post on my wall