Important message for Ashboo friends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iDivaAmWildAndNerdy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Just know we love you Ash
  2. Ashhhboooooo 
  3. Lol... boo..... u see nothing.... 
  4. I know both on my old main
  5. Who are you?
  6. Pointless thread is pointless
  7. I don't remember asking for your opinion there Tuckerfor those who follow, they understand that it's in fact not pointlesskindly remove your negative self from the forum
  8.  I'm too broke to send gifts
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmm oh my what can this be
  10. ?no fighting over my drawing skills
  11. idk what yall up too but im in 
  12.  just leaving my prescense on here
  13. Public forum anyone can post 
  14. Like no wayyy?! I had no ideaThanks for stating the obvious
  15. AshTeeBooTailsSexy TiffyTailstwin wifey ButtonThe 4 tailslove you all
  16. Twin wifeyyyy Tee