important announcment

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---Alt---, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. That's not my alt, Nick 
  2. Oh wait you dont iwn him/her. But yeah you own the alts I can remember. Lol
  3. ? I meant the real ones Jopo

    You hiding alts from ME? ???
  5. as a request from ash, I can now conform this isn't jopos alt!
  6. Confirm*

    Oh oh and yeah op get a life

    Also I need to sleep ?
  7. i didnt request anything, lol

    Just waited.
  8. ?oh Dayum my bad haha!!!

    See Anya needs sleep ?but duck dynasty is on so I'm screwed.
  9. Isn't that getting canceled?
  10. Nope nope peacock they hired Phil back!
  11. Last time I checked my barcode tut wasn't jopo 
  12. After that awkward comment he made in GQ?
  13. Yes they make to much money for a and e to loose the duck dynasty franchise. Another tv channel would just pick the show up, besides they asked Phil what his opinions on the subject was. So they brought it upon themselves.
  14. If you're really jopo you would know our secret handshake
  15. now go back do your laundry!!!hurry!!!
  16. I know who OP is. 
  17. Blitzen ans dasher for 1 winter rose :roll: please wall me dont just send
  18. How come ppl are all assuming every barcode is my alt? It's not like I'm the leader or anything. I only have ONE barcode alt. the rest are other people.