I'm Throwing a BBB PARTY

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Cannabearz, Jun 11, 2019.

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  1. This is a thing???? If so it’s a great idea cuz I have real tuition to pay for ?
  2. I’ll help if you need ?
  3. So here's what OP and I have decided to far:
    • There will be +1s allowed, have not decided on the exact amount of purchasers we will allow but it will probably be somewhere around ~45-50.
    • It will take place June 18th around changeover.
    • We'll work on a banner later tonight so we can start advertising and booking.
  4. It will be difficult to find people to buy boxes, if you haven’t organized one before. So goodluck
  5. Lemme know if i can be of assistance
  6. Ik.. always a gamble with one of these events.
  7. I’ll help if you need my assistance.
  8. Yeah, true. We may need to discuss maybe having it a little longer than a week from now. Maybe two weeks.
  9. What boxes are you dropping and how many? What's the date you want to do this? If I can I could drop maybe 3 legendary boxes
  10. 3? ? you should be my sugar mama. I'm hesitant to even buy one
  11. Already tried. Got turned down. ☹
  12. Tbh Papi asked me the same thing
  13. Oh look at that
  14. Beat you to it! HA!!
  15. For once
  16. i thought this said bbq party but sign me up anyway.
  17. ┏━━✦❘༻BBB༺❘✦━━┓
    25 June 2019 @ 1PM PDT
    1050ECs | 168DNs • You+1
    Wall @missindropshoppe
  18. Looks good to me.
  19. U still need help?? and good luck with that
  20. Op requested lock.
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