i'm so full

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chili, Jun 24, 2019.

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  1. UwU

    Get togethers are the adult versions of sleepovers. Shıts great
  2. Can I just say. My fren came over to lend me a phone charger cuz it's dark and I don't wanna shop in the middle of the night. The gesture was sweet but this crappy cord is broken and I am getting zero charge :c
  3. D'awwwwe ?
  5. Update: i just got home and i cant stop burping. I didn't die on my way home
  6. Mini it's otay to say you feel left out. You can come, too.
  7. I’m not going
    I have Cobra
  8. Got the beef belches
  9. Do that thing where u pat your head and rub circles on your stomach. Allegedly it does smthing and it might cure ur burps. It also might not tho and I could be full of it
  10. Cobra can come
  11. We’re not going Wednesday.
  12. Ain't it the one between your index finger and the thumb? Rubbing that *allegedly* relaxes your stomach and whatever I read from the internet
  13. You're so serious, mini.
  14. Idk tbh I'm no botanist
  15. But who's gonna open the door
  16. Because no one will take me seriously if I’m not serious ?
  17. I still have trouble taking you seriously under certain circumstances
  18. Tmi but this burping is so therapeutic
  20. In addition to the finger thing, lay on your left side when you sleep. Helps with digestion
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