Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *GreenDayLover (01), Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Isaac, her name. Is. KYLEE.

    Not Kyle. >_>
  2. It's a metaphor. :roll:
  3. Or Kelly? How do you pronounce it?
  4. That's only proving my point. :0
  5. Kylee isaac not kyle
  6. Pronouce it as kylie
  7. Use your brain. (ーー;)
  8. Ohh... How do you pronounce that name?
  9. Like I said, stupid as a rock. =_=
  10. Chloe I know your brain is out of memory space. Press F4 to delete unessasary files in your head.
  11. KYLIE!!!!pronounce it as KYLIE!!!
  12. I'm a human not a computer. :3

    Like Bear said. At least we've got a smart one. :3
  13. Ohh ok.

    Alt F4 press the two keys at the same time Chloe. That should erase the unessasary things.
  14. Great!

    So it can erase you?! :0
  15. No it's purpose is to reformat your brain.
    You're a little immature. Reformatting will help. Heres a cd for you to back up.
  16. And here we go again... :roll:
  17. O.O damn when did isaac become like this...i still thought he loved chloe
  18. Right after I got fed up with the thread and told them to shut up.

    To be truthful, most of the blame goes to Axel. :|

    But I think Isaac thinks I'm blaming him 100%.