I woke up with hands wrapped around me. What the...? Who's cuddling me? I panicked and opened my eyes. I heard a soft chuckle from the person holding me. I turned to see James. Oh I remember now! "I guess you have forgotten what it's like to have me be with you in the mornings," he smirked even though he was still half asleep. "Yeah I guess I did," I yawned. "Go back to sleep. We don't have to get up yet." "Okay," I murmur and try to get comfortable. I was unsuccessful at that. "Stop squirming Tay! God!" He pulled me closer and turned me around so I faced him. "You know you used to do this all the time and still can. It is not like anythings changed." "Yeah I guess so," I murmured and buried my head in his shoulder. I closed my eyes but didn't fall asleep before I remembered. "James I want to go see dad!" "What? But Tay I'm sleepy!" "You're always sleepy," I said playfully smacking his arm. "I need my beauty sleep Tay!" "J, no matter how much beauty sleep you get you won't have beauty! You. Are. A. Guy! Guys aren't beautiful J!" "Hurtful," he murmured jokingly. "Oh I am so sorry my little princess now get da fudge up!" "Bossy!" I jumped up and grabbed my shoes and waited for James. "OMG HURRY YOUR A** UP!" "God Tay you're still as inpatient as ever!" "I am Tay," I smirked"Now hurry!" I dragged him out the door and to the hallway. "Tay you don't know where you are going!" "Oh yeah," I pouted. He laughed and I stuck my tongue out at him. I followed him through a series of halls and to a door. It read: THE DUNGEON. Of course they would keep him here! "Shh," James said and pushed me against the wall. I bit his hand he immediately took it away. "Oww Tay! What was that for?! I just saved your a**! There is a guard there," he whisper yelled at me. "Well you should have said that! You freaked me out!" "Sorry!" I sighed and we continued down the dungeon, people begging for help as we passed saying they were innocent. Finally, I saw a flash of green hair. I smiled. His signature hair. One of the few people with that hair. My mom had red hair. That gave me Christmas color hair. No it didn't mix them into one color but two. "DADDY!" He turned and looked at me and smiled. Instantly a frown formed when he saw James. "It's okay he's helping me hide," I whispered to him to calm him. "Oh Taylor promise me one thing," he said holding his hands out of the bars. I instantly grabbed his hands and held them tight. "That you will be safe. Don't let anyone hurt you! James I expect you to watch over her while I can't got it?" "Yes sir," he replied instantly. "I promise I'll be safe daddy. They won't hurt me before I hurt them so don't worry," I smiled"I love you daddy." "I love you to baby girl." I kissed his hands and left with James back to his room. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to... Great I'm crying. "Tay don't cry," James said hugging me. We were now back in his room and I had fell and cradled in a ball. "Come on Tay get up. It's okay." "N-no it's n-not James," I whispered"It's not like I-I want t-to! Crying m-makes me weak a-and I can't be w-weak," I stuttered. I began to cry even more. I'm weak. I'm weak. I'm actually weak! "Tay crying doesn't mean your weak. It means you have been strong to long," he whispers gently rubbing his hand up and down my back. "Really?" He nodded"Of course it does!" I sniffled and just let the tears flow. Seventeen years of tears came out. He gently picked me up and placed me on the bed"You need to eat." He ordered some food and gave me some. "Thanks," I murmured. To be honest it kinda felt good to cry. "We need to find you some place to live." I nodded in agreement"Who would take me in though? Me being me and all!" "I am not sure. You can stay with me until we find someone who will okay?" I nodded"Okay but before we do anything I need my hair changed AGAIN! They know my hair like this. Know any good hair places?" "Yep! Right here," he smiled and pointed at himself. I reluctantly let him fix my hair. He just put some shampoo or something in it and let it sit for a couple hours. When it was done he rinsed it out and warned me. "Now don't get mad okay? I know for a fact they don't know your true hair color so it would help the most." What? I looked in the mirror. He didn't.... "JAMES!" "It looks great though Tay!" I sighed and nodded. I can't believe my true hair was visible now! Then there was a huge knock on the door. Before James could speak a man walked in. The man gasped and dropped the device that was in his hands. "Sorry sir! I didn't realize you had... Company?" "Yes it's quite alright George now if you will please tell me what you needed and you can be on your way." "Oh of course sir! They said they needed you because they believe that dreaded girl is still in this building but I can tell them you're busy..." "Please do. Thank you George." George nodded and left and as soon as he shut the door I burst out in laughter. "What is so funny?" "Your business voice! It is hilarious!" He growled at me and walked over slowly with an evil smile creeping on his face. "What are you doing J," I asked shakily and backed up with every step he took. "Well its not my fault but I think someone called the tickle monster," he smirked. My eyes widen"N-no I don't think he is needed," I said shaking my head furiously. "He disagrees," he said as I ran into the wall. "S***," I murmured. He pounced and knocked me down. He then was on top of me still smiling evilly. "James don't do it," I warned. "To late..." He then began to tickle me and I screamed/laughed. "Okay okay I'll stop but only because I think I know a place you can stay." "Really," I breathed out still trying to get air. "Yep follow me!" I laughed and followed him out the door and to a garden. He murmured some words and led me through. It was a house! There was a living room a bedroom and a kitchen and a bathroom! I was jumping up and down from excitement. "Now that will be five hundred bucks a month." I looked at him and raised a eyebrow and put my hand on my hip"Excuse me?" "I'm just kidding god Tay." I laughed and shoed him out. He pouted and left. And to think I was mad at him yesterday for betraying me! Why would he ever betray me? I am his best friend! I've helped him through everything and know he's going to help me right? ~~>~~>~~>~~>~~>~~>~~> I am in a writing mood so here's another update might be another one today or early tomorrow
JAMES P.O.V I walked away from the garden feeling guilty. I knew I was going to have to betray Tay and I didn't want to but I had to. The stupid king is making me! If he didn't have my little sister I wouldn't be doing any of this. My phone began ringing to the song 'Glad you came' by The Wanted. I reluctantly answered the phone. "H-hello?" "James you need to make a move on this assignment." "What do you mean? She jut came yesterday!" "I mean that I need her and fast! My powers are weakening! I shouldn't have killed Trudy the great and the only reason I need her is because Trudy won't leave me alone now!" "You mean... Her ghost?!" "Yes! If I have her daughter I can use her as bait!" "Okay I'm working on it!" "Work faster!" "How?!" "... Make her fall in love with you. Then you can have easier access to her. When the time comes you will betray her and I will go to her and comfort her and she will be right in my hands. You need to make her see you as more than a best friend! Otherwise I won't be able to use her got it?!" "Y-yes sir," I gulped. "Good. I expect this to happen or you know what I'll do." "Yes sir!" I hung up and began pacing around. Make her fall in love with me and hand her over?! I couldn't do that! It's true I've always wanted her as more than a best friend but not under pressure like this! My sister or my best friend? Maybe I could find a way to save them both? Yes that's what I will do! I will find a way but for now I need to start the plan. The house I gave her has cameras everywhere and the boss will know I followed orders. I hesitantly walked back to her place. Yes I would have to do this or else I won't be able to save anyone. I just walked in to see her in the kitchen looking at the different things. I smiled and shut the door loudly. "James," she asked quietly. "Yeah it's okay it's just me." "Oh good! I thought they found me," she laughed as she came out of the kitchen. "No!" She smiled"So why did you come back? I thought you couldn't be caught around me and stuff?" "Yeah well I umm... Need to talk with you..." "Okay what's up," she asked walking over to me until she was looking me dead in the eyes. I sighed and looked down. "You can tell me anything J..." No I can't Taylor. No matter how much I want to I can't. "James what is wrong," she asked once more and put her hand on my shoulder. This is the only chance I'll have... I grabbed her wrists and pinned her against the nearest wall. "James what are you doing? There isn't going to be any danger in here silly," she giggled. I put my body against her and looked deep into her eyes and whispered"I know." She looked confused as I put my hands on her cheeks. Oh how I will regret this. I looked into her eyes once more before I got any closer. "I can't do this," I murmured and backed away to the couch, sitting as I got by it. "Can't do what James," she asked and you could still here the confusion in her voice. "Promise you won't tell anyone you know?" She nodded and I sighed again"Good things the cameras in here can't hear conversations." "Cameras?! James!" "Sorry I had to..." "I understand," she sighed. "Okay well... How do I put this? Umm... My boss... Wants me to make you..." "Make me what?" "Make you fall in love with me..." "What?!" "Yes he wants me to get you to fall in love with me and then betray you do he could comfort you and use you..." "Why?" "I don't know," I lied"You know he's watching right now?" "What?! Ugh! Well are you going to get into trouble if this... Plan doesn't work?" "Yeah but don't worry about it." "James you are my best friend! I am going to worry about you! Besides I know how to fix it." I raised an eyebrow"How?" "He's watching now right?" I nodded confused. She smiled evily and came over to me. I raised an eyebrow. What was she doing? She sat in my lap and began to whisper things to me. "Okay to really make them convinced we are going to have to act the part got it?" I nodded and watched as she looked around before looking back at me and wrapping her legs tightly around my waist. Now I know what she is doing. She is making it believable. "Now put your arms around my waist," she whispered in my ear. I did as I was told and looked back at her. She smiled and got closer. I smiled waiting for her to kiss me but to my surprise, she began tickling me. I laughed my head off before finally prying her off of me. What is wrong with this girl?! Well I should expect this after all, we are best friends. I sighed and walked to the door. I looked back at Tay who was laughing and shook my head. She just smirked and waved bye. "Goodbye Tay. I hope you can figure out a plan that won't get us both killed and that your comfortable with. You know I'm comfortable with anything," I said wiggling my eyebrows. She laughed and shook her head playfully. "Bye J," she yelled and blew me a kiss. I laughed and pretended to catch it, holding it to my heart and made an expression that looked like I had just seen a rock star. She burst out laughing again. I sighed and left only to be pinned up and taken by the arms to a room. Great! ~~>~~>~~>~~>~~>~~> Here ya go! The next one will be in James pov to
Thanks do u guys think I'm doing ok with the different povs? I haven't really used them but once before.
Am I a toy to you? ~~>~~>~~>~~>~~> Am I a toy to you? You who see me standing there on my shelf , sitting high and tall You walk by and see me, No you don't like the way I am at all You touch and poke me trying to figure out what to do When suddenly you get an idea Maybe you can break me in two! You push and push but that doesn't work out That's when you get frustrated and begin to pout. How come I'm happy and proud but you are sad and feel small? It isn't fair you say! That's when you see it's simple You say I'll just torture you every day! That's when I'll break is what you think But you don't know me I am unable to move so I fall helplessly Your the top toy now aren't you? Happy and free? While here I am on the floor shouting in glee! Why you ask? It's easy you see, I never wanted to fake my happy and now I'm free! You expect this from me but I don't mind For your not the reason I'm finally being me All I've been is kind, But you continue to knock me down off my shelf Now it's my turn to show what I can really do! I'm no longer a kind elf, I am the fire of the dark you see, Making everything shine bright Now I have shown you some of the perks of being me, I hope you fall in a plate of goo For I ask once again, Am I a toy to you? To be tossed around by a child? For you to kick around with your abnormally large shoes? Yes that's what I say That I'm braver than you I don't need to try and harm others Oh no I try not to bother You on the other hand, Well let's just say you are opposite of me You think you need to be ruler of the land? No it's not true Not at all I say! How can you be so ignorant to not see the truth? All you do is push us to our last days Where we will laugh as we pass away Why? Well we are going to a better place A place to get away from you So I ask you for the last time ruler of the lands, I only seek the truth, Am I really a toy to you or is that your excuse? ~~>~~>~~>~~>~~>~~>~~> Not an update just a little poem that I thought went along with this quite well and yes I wrote it most of it is like what?! GOO?! Lol I just like words like that