im leaving

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *foxymama13 (01), Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Rose, I lu- lik- derp you. ._.

    Luke, hun, trust me. You'll be FIINE. it's not like a truck load of clowns are going to probe you! Dear, jump in the pedo van an have some fun!! 
  2. *raises hand* rose just foe the record now that ur mod u scare me cuz if i do anything bad in front of u imma get le BANHAMMA!! 
  3. But fox dont quit 
  4. My last day to finish goodbyes...

    My threads in fan fic btw
  5. Foxey!! Please stay even though I don't think I know you 
  6. She knows meshe's just pretending not to
  7. When I join the Pack everyone in my club leaves 
  8. Bye! 
  9. What?? Foxy is leaving!!

    WOOOHOOO!!! Yay !!


    ...jk to that jk

    I never really liked you foxy you were always starting drama and a real attention hog. You irked me

    Anyways......when you weren't being a female dog you weren't half bad so bye 
  10. Aww cash i feel sorry for yous  trae 
  11. Kk...then leave. I honestly dont care. Just leave and dont make a big deal about it
  12. She already deleted the app lindsey or what ever your name is you need to stfu before you annoy me
  13. Au revior

    A p´lus tard

    That's french
  14. How'd Luke get you silenced? :roll:
  15. Au revoir wide forehead! 
  16. ....did u call
    Meh wide forehead hole

    If u did

    I'm crying

  17. Of course not Lhein. 

    You should see OP's pic.

    I admit she looks nice, but her forehead's pretty wide. 
  18. ...bye foxy! I wish you good luck and fortune and that you get a boyfriend fairy for your many boyfriend problems!!  bye!