I'm Leaving Forums

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AOC-Jeremy-, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Kronos people like you are why we leave

  2. ._. People 'like' me.
    How the f am i doing anything?


    Get a grip.
  3. Kronoss, exactly.

    It's a game.

    Why are people trolling so much?
  4. But IDGAF what you think.

    Your a person on a game.

    I don't know you.

    I never will know you.

    So why should IGAF what you think?
  5. I'm not a troll.

    I've been on the forums for almost all my gametime now.

    So i hate trolls as much as you do.

    But, what ANNOYS me is

    when someone says:

    I'm quitting forums.

    Then, two hours later:

    Hey guys, i've decided im staying.
  6.  I agree. If you are gonna quit. Than do it. Don't talk about.
  7. I'm trying so hard to.

    I'm leaving after this trolling problem stops. =_= sorry if I pissed any of you off. I never wanted attention. It was suppised to be a statement that would be ignored forever.
  8. D-1-T-C-H!
    Hows life? 
  9. Chloe I won't STOP trolling until the devs FB me :p


    But I'll always be your troll XD
  10. Trolls try to make the forums a better place by making people learn from their mistakes. If there were not trolls the forums would truly be overrun by fail and noob.
  11.  by page 2 Op decided to stay  priceless

    Shocker 
  12. LOL

    1) Trolls have always been in this game, you new forumers are just too soft skinned to handle it.

    2) Anti-trolling (Whatever that is?) = Trolling. Don't try to justify it with a false cause.

    3) Trolls make the rest of the Forumers who don't Cry about being trolled laugh.

    4) The forum condition was bad before I, let alone you, Chloe, came along.

    5) Any hope of making these forums good again was diminished when all the old forumers left, and the new ones came.

    And OP... Wow. Just wow. Dramatic And attention seeking... Good combo? Saying you'ee going to leave, and not actually doing it, then your comment "This game is goin down and so has A51 but we're getting back up", just showed your... How could I put this? Ah yes, your dramatic flare? Lol.
  13. Trolling is for fun

    You obviously never seen Rusty's and Derek's trolling on pal

    All for fun
  14. Long Live The Trolls

    Can't take the heat? Get outta the oven.
  15. Who would be in an oven? o_O
  16. It's not even considered trolling on this game anymore  way too easy

    Trolls just roast other players like nothing
  17. *cough cough* Jews *cough cough*
  18. It

    The oven is the forums, and the heat is the act of trolling 
    Come onnn... I thought it was clever.. :cry:
  19. Except for Oak, he's a noob. :p

    Or don't troll at all, like me.
  20. Greenday I know what you were trying to say... Just never heard oven, always heard kitchen.