I'm getting quite annoyed

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Ch1psAhoy, Aug 8, 2023.

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  1. So I've received 7 30 day mutes in the past year and a half. And I would say 3 out of them deserve a mute. I'm getting sick of seeing the same people post sexual explicit comments day in day out and I get banned when I'm bantering with my friends. If there's some way to talk to a mod or admin and work it out that would be nice. But Ik people who have the same issue as me, and at this point U feel like it's target bans.
  2. - Silencing goes up in tiers, 24 hours then the next time you get silenced it's 7 days, then 30 days. And the tiers go down by one every 30 days without a silence. So you're repeatedly breaking rules within 30 days to keep getting month long silences. You can review the policies with the below links.

    - If you think your silence is invalid, you can send a help ticket and wait for a help member to get back to you. Mods can't lift silences or appeal on other players behalves. Note that jokes which break ToU, still break ToU.

    -If you see somebody breaking a rule in a public channel and want to report it, you can send a screenshot to a moderator.

    2021 Policy Updates
    Silencing, Bans, and Related Issues
    PIMD ToU
  3. Its not a ban its a silence. If it was a ban then you wouldnt be here posting this
  4. Also pub is 18+ for a reason. If you dont like it then dont use it
  5. Well I just need some clarification because I see people say the most out there stuff. I got muted for saying "mods don't mute me lol". Idk what rule that's breaking... But I'm over seeing the same people break rules. But when I say stuff that's semi wacky 30 day ban. It's just not clear and I feel like there should be some way to despute it. Or get it reviewed at the very least 🤷
    Dblack likes this.
  6. I’d say if it was for mods don’t mute me you could appeal it because that’s not silenceable it was probably for whatever you had said before that though. You can appeal through the help system on the top left hand corner of the app. The length of a silence depends on how many silences you’ve previously had.

    I’d also recommend reading this thread, which is the current silencing policy
    Ch1psAhoy likes this.
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