I'm confused as to why a silence happened

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BsLovesSw-4E-, Jan 12, 2012.

  1.  Webboo>AutoCorrect 
  2.  fail.
  3. Poor webboo nothing better to do
  4. I like to think of it as a second job. :3
  5. Crizz, it's 22:06 here. You are a noob in my perspective. I have better things to do yet I don't do them.


  6. I'm not worried about the spelling or grammar! U can figure out what I'm saying so correct that!!!!! This ain't school
  7. I get paid for the jobs I do no free b's even my second one
  8. *You.

    Yet this is a place where 'trolls' like I attempt to be find it amusing to piss off people like you.

  9. I think crizz is bothered.. Lol she keeps posting and can't spell either :/ crizz if you're not bothered and are done then gtho  no one cares for your comments. And again.. I'm not a troll :| I'm the 4th powerpuff girl..
  10. *Freebies
  11. It's ok to troll sola that's u
  12. Crizz you're saying you don't comment rudely to other people yet you are trying to give the moderators a bad name. So in a way yes you are commenting rudely. They are doing their job lol I got silenced on my other account many times but I don't hate them for doing their job  even though my latest silence is odd :/ lmao
  13. Webboo get paid for that b a teacher! Or do like be better then b? Lmao
  14. Dang girl u don't read I said I don't comment rudely to the person who makes the thread I never comment to the person who makes the thread if I don't agree I kno better than that!
  15. Now that second sentence I couldn't translate.

    But I think being a teacher isn't good for me right now, apologies.
  16. Crizz.. If u typ lik this then no 1 wil take u seriously.

    Type properly then people probably will take you seriously.
  17. I never said I hate them nor do I hate on them I can comment as much as I want!! I don't play this game to argue!!! Unlike others
  18. You clearly don't know TOU. The mods do.. So stop your yapping

    And are you silenced? Is that why you don't like mods?
  19. Sola I'm sorry I don't understand you