Thanks lol. FALL DE-MistressOfDeath (6.22mcs) -NO-Fish_Are_Friends_Not_Food (6.22mcs) -VM_iAnyaTeaseKen (5.63mcs). Fall -Sin-Sweet-Keds (5.41mcs) -iSwoOsayIsLuckyToHaveLicky- (4.51mcs) -HOT-SWEATY-MRS-MUSCLE- (3.87mcs) __Dictator__ (3.76mcs) VAMPURIAN-_-MuMmy (3.53mcs) -ilcegal-LovesBangingHer_Inty- (3.18mcs) R--UReallyGonnaMessWithKaname_ -SIN-SWEET-KEZZAStalksYOU (2.78mcs) -CA-BAD-NeicyStoleMyHeart- (2.74mcs). Fall Pauleena (2.60mcs) iStripperHidesKittysCookies (2.51mcs) Neuer_Ninzinski (2.35mcs) Clayjunior (2.28mcs) with Neuer Inanna_the_dead (2.22mcs) SharpKiller (2.22mcs) -PA-Samurai- (2.02mcs) -e-Fire-Burns-ToMeltYourHeart (1.94mcs) NIPSEYHUSSLE (1.89mcs) Wanderer (1.84mcs) FallenAngel (1.35mcs) iKittySteaIStrippersCookies NG-iFeE_FoReVeR-FALL (637kcs) -Stella_Counts_the_Stars
This saddens me.. I hope some people can join. I would truly love to join but it's very LTE where I am.. Good luck to both sides, and props to Noel for calling everyone "warrior" out there who hasn't shown up
Just mentioning... The wall posts say 11/9... Today is the 8th. Perhaps confusion is why people aren't there yet