I'm bored again.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MichelleLoversElegy, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Oh ignore my epc rap.

    d . __ . b

    I thought we were moving past the gay wedding.


    It would be packed because it's a PiMD first.


    The bride and bride can unite under one club then have a war maybe?

    Bride vs. Bride war?

    Or someone could let you guys Pwar them as a wedding gift.


  2. Epic*

    There should be more people, but they're losing interest or busy.

    It's a work day after all, a school night.


    I myself am gonna get on my PS3 soon, but I can multitask!

    d ^ ________ ^ b
  3. I said I loved your epic rap. 

    But it would be awesome.
    But no pwar. I'm against that.
  4. ice cream makes the tummy sing.
  5. Oh okayyy.

    I'll continue the rap when more people join in.

    Yeah I am against Pwars too.


    But I like free stuff and if I was warring for you, I'd be like top 20 on the roster for plunder at least.



    But since it'll be a real war...

    d  ________  b

    Bring it on!
  6. Woo, go real war 

    Icecream?!? WHERE? 
  7. Come on. 23 people are on. That leaves 20 who are on, but didn't comment.

    Talk, damnit! 
  8. ROFL.

    I look online too!

    That's how you lurk!
    Know who else is lurking first!

  9. Right?!? Lmao! 
  10. Comment! 
    -Joe-, we've been cool. -whitedove-, Blue_Moon, Bracer, Cookie_Monster..., Darend, Darlinj, Dev , Di_I_am, El_Camino, giantman, grumpy, jail_bird, mrcoooool, stright_up..., The_J_Man

    Yup, called you all out.
  11. *blushing at this point*
  12. Oh King Wayne, please grace me with your presence, your loyal servant, Michelle.

  13. Hello there 
  14. Aww, Joe, how are you hun?
  15. Good thanks. And you? 
  16. I'm good, just been drinking. Everyone always passes out before me, so I'm bored. 
  17. 
  18. Haha, yeah. That's why I'm calling out people. 
  19. Just hope none of them are drunk and are planning on passing out by the end of the night.
  20. Hey, they'll be like me- minus the passing out. :-/
    Damn insomnia.