ign change suggestions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Haknyeon, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. any suggestions for my new ign? HIV's getting lame ๎Š
  2. _Feline-Immunodefiency-Virus_

    Spread awareness of the feline version of HIV k.
  3. Hit-or-miss
  4. Or Guess-i-never-miss
  5. how about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Or AIDS for short?
  6. triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13 and things 13 related)

    anatidaephobia (fear that somewhere a Duck is watching you)

    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words)

  7. That last one definitely has me scared

    It's taken but you can get it cleared
  9. Oh shi
  10. Doesnโ€™t sound as good as flocs choice
  11. The all caps do it justice
  12. SALlVA

    but with lowercase L instead of I
  13. CHRlST
    with lowercase L

    with lowercase L between r and s
  14. Even go as far as getting an rs named CONSTIPATED
  15. Support
  16. ^^^

    That's also a good name idea, rs could be NoSupport
  17. Fuck_Ur-Reasons-Bitch