Iggy vs. Nicki Minaj

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rehab_Mexi_khan, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. I should learn her ass enhancement exercises. We all know that everyone wants a big ass.

    Cushion fo da pushin.
  2. Snow tha product
  3. Simple, see a plastic surgeon, pull out some cash. That's how Justin.
  4. Okay, options are:
    • get wreckt at mandingo parties
    • hardcore squats
    • plastic surgery
  5. The first option though :lol:
  6. ? but iggys doesn't look gross anya go look at the tmz pics  I used like nickis now it ruined it for me
  7. I think iggy WHITE ASS needs to stop trying to act black her ass look like a old ass dog and i think nicki needs to stop tryna make money off her butt and start using her REAL talents
  8. But iggy is kinda a good rapper shes so fancy lmfao
  9.  Iggy is Aussie, so I feel like I should vote for her. But I'm old and 2 years behind with new music, so I only know 'Fancy'..

     Nicki may have an enormous ass, and probably an addiction to butt injections, but I always associate her with Sophia Grace and Rosie (those adorable little kids that sang Superbass, and ended up on Ellen), so she wins 
  10. Iggy cause she's Australian and she has a far better attitude than Nicki...
  11. Tomol I don't see much of a difference here, neither look to good unless they're photoshopped. 





    In my opinion they should of just kept their normal asses. ?
  12. Who and who? ?
  13. Nicki's isn't real. Iggy's is.. It's not that hard to tell

  14.  Is she every gonna stop? 
  15. Iggys is real?

    Before ass implants






    Hers is as fake as nikki minaj's ass makes me wonder of the same doctor did both.
  16. ?hardest decision of my life!!jk
  17. I think their both good. Iggy is a wonderful White rapper and Nickis is a wonderful African American rapper.