if you could choose your death

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HiImKelon, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. I knew someone will pick snoo snoo. XD

    Dying in a huge chocolate fountain is... Okay. .-.
  2. i would die in a tub filled jello with a fine scent of cake
  3. I pick death while sleeping... You never would have known it was coming ?.... Would be the most peaceful way
  4. Yea but dying in jello
  5. While I'm 83 having sex in my bed ? on my birthday while firecrackers are lighting up and time square just dropped the ball.
  6. By happiness of being so rich id have the biggest Airplane RV with everything even a swimming pool game room and bar ext in it. Party with all my friends and family in until the day i sky dive and forget my parachute.
  7. Dying in my sleep.
  8. in my sleep, or something quick and unexpected. Like getting hit by a fast moving vihicle or getting shit in the head. Don't want time to dwell on my mistakes and what comes next, before i go ?
  9. I would like to die while having sex. Final night of pleasure.
  10. Id probably like to die through laughing too much if thats even possible. :lol:
  11. Well, I want to die in a 'cool' way like being assassinated or taking a bullet for somebody I loved.