iExx is a wussy LMAO

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by perma-silenced, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. I think he's cool
  2. LOL the OP has noob stats so now he's all proud of himself for make a FAIL thread 

    iExx is WAAY better than you, OP ;)

    Maybe you should learn PimD first instead of coming to PimD and being a fail troll

    Kthxbai ;)
  3. iExx is a 3 year old bitch.

     Approved 
  4. Haha, I didn't even know about this thread.

    Thanks OP. I now know the forums favor me more than my haters. 
  5. Bump because I said so. I want all the world to know I'm a wussy. 
  6. I want iExx's buns.
  7. IExx is one of the smartest people I know, he knows almost EVERYTHING! And he's a pretty cool guy
  8.  please tell me it's these buns you're after.
  9. I like Exx, he's a cool guy
  10. Exx is pretty cool don't be hatin on him just cause he was a douche once or twice jeez