I support the idea of a knock out war but why not knock out clubs or teams. It can be your own home club or if ata wants to make it beta wars, you're matched to a club around same stats and whoever loses gets knocked out, until it's between the last 2 sides, then the winning side would have won every war (no change of clubs, once in a club at the start you're stuck until the end) they get prizes at the end?
They dont really have anything ready for home clubs to use the war system yet only beta where they mske the clubs. Tbh these days if they made it where u war at your home club i think it would fail. There arent enough clubs out there willing to war as a club, and there are alot of ppl who love to war in clubs that never war so they leave to war. I just think if they made it where u have to war in your club it would have less of a turn out then the beta wars during the hunt.
SUPPORT AGAIN BABY. Oh, I guess pimd will look at the stars again. There are so many suggestions and ideas now, they badly need a system update.
SUPPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT. Give payouts to the people who knock them out, for every hit. Would work great.