[Idea] Avatar Trading

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Guy, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Bingo, if ATA can't make money from it nobody supports it. Too many brown-nosers.
  2. Support.
  3. 1+1=mashed potatoes?¿¿
    Why would someone who don't support the idea gaf if ATA making money off it?¿ It's not going into their bank account ?

  4. Agreed! Support !
  5. support but too good to be true
  6. SUPPORT!!
  7. Support?Would love to gift away or trade some of my avatars?
  8. This something I could support I have Avis I don't use
  9. I want to say only 2 words which are NO SUPPORT!
  11. Supoort 
  12. Sounds interesting 