Can we have the option to insta-decline follow requests? I'll be talking in Pub and bam 7 follow requests... Im sure mods and honor students have a worse time
Idk I’m kinda neutral on this, it would be helpful but then at the same time I only talk in those chats if I’m trading so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyone who posts in public channels gets this. It’s so annoying when noobies follow people for their needed quests
idrc tbh. Sometimes ppl i have seen before follow me and i am surprised/curious about what they have to say it's usually dumb but still
Is it that hard to hit ignore a few times tho to need a whole new added feature? People are already hitting “repeat action” loads of times a day and talking often but occasional ignoring an add is a problem? ?
Oh when I tapped this, I was picturing a decline all gifts options like the accept all option present. I guess I would be neutral on that one. I don’t think an auto decline would be ideal necessarily, but I think there should be an option to ignore the add of some who’s following you on their profile. Maybe the follow button at that time can actually be a drop down box to pick between follow(which would follow back and therefore add) and ignore? Or have the follow and ignore option listed in the notif when a friend request comes. I just would appreciate a second location to ignore an add basically.
Honestly sounds solid but some people just like having hundreds of follows sitting around for whatever reason. I enjoy seeing friend counts be drastically from the follow count honestly :lol: But then again, if there was an option to control the time frame or have auto decline simply be off available for each user then I see this as a good compromise