Discussion in 'Wars' started by ______Immortal______, Sep 12, 2016.

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  1. I'm not complaining  this last few pages are VERY entertaining to read.
  2. And your right Legs. When your right your right. What can I say? I'm a scum.

  3. What if one of them had cancer?
  4. I'd like to complain to the management, the movie is terribly boring, and i didn't get any of this supposed popcorn. Do i get a refund?
  5. Simple answer: your wall posts to admins were useless, your presence in peoples nf were useless, your members hiring tuts while we warred we useless, so in the end it comes down to you being useless. :lol::roll: simplified for you enough? 
  6. I just want to come on and see inc. ? but iconic suck at sfw. ?
  7. Seems like thete might be a light at the end of the tunnel after all ?

    Gives me hope
  8. Shut your mouth random 
  9. Have something to say? Speak to me via my notifications.
  10. I'll give you inc devy. 
  11. A dim bulb brightens. Momentarily at least
  12. Heard that a lot, but never get anything. ?
  14. I think Shredd has a multiple personality disorder, just my mom profesional opinion 
  15. Doesnt help your self pinning Miss Devy
  16. God damn :lol:
  17. Nice try Easy lol, at least you tried. Devy hasn't hit me in months
  18. Iconic likes to hit people who won't kick but all they do is fail :( especially halbee ?it's fun making halbee and Jill mad. Jill is so cranky

  19. Really?
  20.  can't hit someone if they're always dtw. ?
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