Discussion in 'Wars' started by ______Immortal______, Sep 12, 2016.

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  1. But I do hit, and considering I have to send hits to 3 different clubs. Some may get more attention then others. Because I'll tell you what, Ascension has sent me 50 times the amount of inc Barcodes have this month.
  2. I guess A consider you more relevant than we do then :lol: ps probie club is empty you can stop claiming three clubs now :roll:
  3. 3/4p shred or somthing alike, work wifi so laggy today damn
  4. I dtw'd you ghost after your " you keep checking forums" comment so better check again haha
  5. Hey brat, how did you insert those emojis. That's really cool.
  6. But look who's still going
  7. Better check what again :eek: i was posting my hits mydude
  8. He was made for the "SFW"
  9. My father once SFW'd 100 men in one day and made them all cf and he did it without using dns and they were all twice his size and in SFW clubs and they had over 100k fight losses each.
    I was BORN to Sfw
  10. You are a born legend
  11. ????????
  12. Shred, if you know you hit a lot why do you feel so compelled to prove yourself? Being defensive just puts you in an awkward position.

  13. Kefo's Dad 2014.

    Never forget.
  14. Shredder, the reason people keep bringing up that you faked cancer and a heart attack is because it speaks volumes as to your character and credibility. So here's the lesson for everyone: if shredder's lips are moving or his fingers are typing, he's lying.

    The below conversation from September 2016, when he wanted a cf is a great example of shredder's complete inability to tell the truth even about little things like whether he spends money in the game or how long he's collected croc capsules Note: here in this thread he says he has plenty of dn to party AND farm which means he does spend in the game ?

    On a final note, as I stated on September 28, 2016, you're the one making yourself look like a fool and that's exactly what you're doing in this thread too.

  16. Rekt
  17. So, shred asked for proof of him begging for cf, I threw in the part about him faking cancer to get out of getting farmed for free...

    You are a sad, sad, pathetic, little thing, shredder....
  19.  entertaining
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