Discussion in 'Wars' started by ______Immortal______, Sep 12, 2016.

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  1. If you were someone of any relevance, you would know if its over or not :)
  2. Oh no it's very much going. The parties are going really fast
  3. For a cc club its really incredible to stay strong against 2 farming clubs
  4. It's incredible, to run cc party and sp on it all day, indeed.

  5.  Super Hot Fire, touché 
  6. Incredible? Whats incredible about account sharing , and staying sp on cats when you start two sfw with two differnt clubs ? I call that being a coward.
  7. It is kinda funny that you see it as a cc club though :D
  8. 
  9. Well this was a fun read 
  10. Once I was reading a fictional novel. About a boy who grew up. He had some friends. But not many. He enjoyed watching sports, taking out the dog and long showers. But in his mind he conjured an idea that to him seemed glorious. He would fake cancer. Why would he do such a thing? Well you see billy never really had good friends. So this was his plan B to draw attention. But alas as anyone knows. It's never good to fake any illness. Still at the end of the day. Billy still sucks. - storytime with justin. :geek:
  11. Your going to have to try ALOT harder then that buddy ol' pal.
  12. Oh are you billy. :?:
  13. I came here to sfw, not harass ascension or barcode members. I don't take part in pety and foolish attempts to make people feel absolutely low about themselves. I came here to sfw. Idk how this sfw started nor do I care, because I came here to sfw. I won't respond to your immature statuses because I came here to sfw. So tell me why I'm fully regen Justin and you'd rather talk trash then hit me...Seems like your losing sight of what sfw is. Because it sure isn't everyone bashing each other. At least I'll never play that way. So enjoy your story time ? I have a sfw to participate in.
  14. Wait so are you billy or no.
  15. I'm Shredder, nice to meet you Justin. I do look forward to seeing you in my notifications considering you have time to reply here and im still fully regen.
  16. Oh nice to meet you billy.
  17. "Let me ask you why you're not hitting me, while I have 30mcs strength, you have 18mcs. I have 5mcs intel, you have 2 mcs intel. I will then most likely bring it up in forums when game logic is applied and you fail hits on me"
  18. How many times are you going to say you came here to sfw, you sound like a broken record dear lord.
  19. Didn't you say you went there because you had no other choice? ?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  20. Also, if you are here to sfw, why you do have 36k of current hunt drops? Last i heard sfw wasnt b2b cats
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