Icknield for the Talented [RP]

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Cruz: -walks to go get my timetable-


    Gina: You take a quick glance at the building and raise an eyebrow in a quizzical fashion. Your chauffeur bids you farewell after he drops your luggage on the grassy ground with utmost caution, and nervously slides back inside the vehicle. You don't regard him even as the automobile drives away, and stand there taking in the entirety of it all. It's impressive in a way, and yet dull and plain and boring in another. The prospect of staying at another prestige boring school makes you want to roll your eyes and yawn, and yet the fascination of starting anew and terrorizing a new group of unsuspecting peers is giving you a strange tingly feeling inside.

    You wonder what Icknield will be like.


    You need a guide.
  3. ( sorry I missed loads)

    Rosaline; - stands outside the building looking at it, and starts walking towards it, not taking her eyes off of it -
  4. Gets my timestable and walks out bak to the dorms-
  5. Daryl: -changes shirt to a black shirt-
  6. Sees rosaline- yo! U ok?
  7. And watch out for that pole!
  8. Oliver
    *Sits in his uncles car leering out of the window with a gaunt expression on his face.*

    Think they'll be too fussed about me being late?

    Uncle Charlie: Doubt it. As long as you've shown up that's the main thing.

    Oliver: Yeah...
  9. Alana: Sits on a bench outside the dorm block, reading a book on the history of music.
  10. Rosaline; - jumps in fright - Thanks.. - laughs - I am such a day dreamer..
  11. Daisy-May Drake
    Teases constantly
    Often gets the wrong idea

    Drama and Photography

    Grew up in a middle class household with her brother and parents. She started drama lessons at seven. She took part in every drama club she could. When she was around 14 she got her first camera and downloaded software for her laptop. She loves photography, especially arty photography. She loves music and goes to festivals annually.

  12. Oliver

    *Quickly unbuckles the seat belt and gets out of the car and walks around to the boot. Is wearing black skinny jeans rolled up to his ankles, black adidas gazelles, short-sleeved White Nike SB t shirt with the sleeves rolled up slightly, black five panel hat and a brown winter waxed jacket from represent clothing.
    Takes out his suitcases and guitar.*

    Uncle Charlie: Why didn't you bring your keyboard?

    Oliver: Not enough room.

    Uncle Charlie: Oh right...
  13. It ok. Come on I'll show ya were the dining hall is. But get ur uniform first -smiles-
  14. Cruz: -starts making his way back to the dorms, passes Sean and Rosaline-
  15. Oliver
    Well... I guess this is where we go our seperate ways.

    Uncle Charlie: Yeah... Good luck kiddo and I'm very proud to hear your band got signed. *Awkardly hugs him.*

    Oliver: Bye *Trudges up the steps of the main building and walks over to the receptionist.*
  16. Daisy-May: *In her dorm, unpacking*
  17. Daryl: -walks around aimlessly listening to music-
  18. (Name: Jess.

    Age: 15.

    Looks: Straight black hair that falls mid waist. Lightly tanned. Dark purple eyes. Small for her age, and quite skinny. 1/4 Indian, 3/4 British. Has dimples, but they only show when she laughs.

    Personality: Intelligent, creative, sarcastic, can be a little cocky, loves to mess around/agrivate people, a little paranoid. She can be caring and kind, but also hostile. Determined and stubborn.

    Talent: She's pretty good at Hockey and Tennis. Sings.

    Bio: Grew up in the countryside in Cheshire with her family. (Mum, Dad and Brother.) She used to dream of being in an alternative rock back as the singer and took singing lessons from an early age. (9.) She also took an interest in Sports and was often in those kind of clubs. More into singing, however.

    Body modification: She jas a nose piercing- A silver stud.

    Style: She has none in particular. Sometimes 'gothic' sometimes 'indie' sometimes slightly 'hippy'. She's not fussed. )
  19. Come on! -walks towards the dorm rooms-