Icknield for the Talented [RP]

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Goes over to her-
  2. Kirsten: "What'cha doing?!" She bats her eyes. She is wearing thick black eyeliner, black mascara, and her white bob-cut hair straightened.
  3. (This is going to sound so cheesy but she is a gymnast)

    Rosaline; - does a series of backflips until she lands on the mat in third position - I didn't fall off this time.. - smiles and walks around being proud of herself -
  4. Jess: *Passes her a tattered map.* This should help. See ya around. *Walks away and continues down the corridor.*
  5. Cruz: -throws his cleats in te corner of his room and changes into some dry clothes, puts on his tennis shoes and walks to the gym-
  6. Just shooting. U wanna come join?
  7. Rosaline; - starts stretching again so she can do her next routine -
  8. Daryl: -walks to the gym-0.0 I hope I'm going the right direction
  9. Oliver

    *Walks out of his dorm and locks the door behind himself.*
  10. Kirsten: "Noo...you wouldn't get me doing sport..."

    Alana: She stands up and heads to the music department, and sits in the room alone, playing Live and Let Die on the cello.
  11. Rosaline; - looks around the gym while stretching her legs - wow, I never noticed how big this gym is before...
  12. (Doesn't sound cheesey at all, Pix)
  13. Lol well ok. U look good btw ^^ -smiles then starts shooting again-
  14. Cruz: -walks into the gym-
  15. Daryl: -walks around lost-0.0 I knew it
  16. ( haha! Ima gymnast)

    Rosaline; - slowly stands up and looks around at all the equipment in Amazment -
  17. (This is gonna sound amazing, but im an athlete^^)
  18. Jess: *Looks around curiously then frowns.* I hate you, sense of direction. *Winces and continues walking uncertainly.*
  19. (Rani I guess Jess has bad sense of direction like Daryl )