I Want You Back

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. So.. I just broke up with someone whom I really cared about and I know it was a big mistake.. I'd write them something along these lines to see if they'd take me back:

    You, yes you. I'm a big dummy for ever letting you go. You and I were like peas in a pod.. a green and shiny pod that stood out in a giant field of other pods. Not being with you feels like being a fish without water, better yet.. like Marlin without Nemo. And just like Marlin, I would do the impossible to get you to take me back. There's nothing I cherish more than those simple moments that brought us closer together. Late night walks where we admired the stars.. playing DJ on those long road trips.. pillow fighting at night.

    I miss those moments, but most of all.. I miss you. The sweet sound of your voice and those sparkling eyes. Everything about you is oh so perfect.

    Pls take me back and we can raise some duckies, k?

    Lots of love.

  2. OP just got dumped
  3. Did not break up but if I’d write this:

    Do you remember the First Time we met? Do you remember all the good times we spent together like on those vacations at the beaches? We had picnics at night by the sea, watching the stars. It was only you and me. I missed those times and I want to do it again but just with you. Time changed us but deep down I still wish we can get more happy moments again. So come back :)

    and now I hope I don’t need to use similar words soon ?
  4. I've never been dumped in my laif nor am I the type to ask for someone back. I haz too much pride
  5. Otay but I actually really lub this
  6. Tbh this is a lil cheesy and I wasn't the hugest fan. Shall gift for effort tho
  7. Since u been gone
    I can breathe for the first time
  8. I'm a terrific writer but this aint my genre
  9. Take me back pls.
  10. Am curious as to what you edited. Also curious as to what you could write ? feel free to share your genre if you want, I'd read other things too if they were good
  11. Lmao. I hate Kelly clarkson
  12. Ps. I didn't broke up with him cuz there were actually no label in the relationship but I'm the one who left

    Actually I feel like it's not a mistake, we really just can't force things to work if they really can't. You're straight, I'm gay but you're treating me like more than friends. It's not on you, it's on me, maybe I was just exaggerating or assuming stuffs but I can't take it anymore. I don't want to see you as my boyfriend because I respect you as a straight guy and as my best friend, it didn't change still. I just want you to know that I did feel horrible for doing that but I will still do the same thing. I miss you but let's keep it this way.
  13. If I'd just broken up with someone and regretted it... hmm..

    "Crawling back to you hurts my pride but here I am. Willing to beg for a second chance after making such an ass out of myself (but, then again, when don't I). Truth is, I want to talk with you until you pass out again and make you wheeze from laughter until you threaten me. I want to be there to send you a good morning message and a reminder that you deserve to enjoy the day. It doesn't matter if we can't meet up in person as often as we want. I just want back the honor in knowing I can say that I love you and have it mean so much more. I didn't realize how empty I am without being able to share the good and bad moments with you.

    Be my wheezing mess again?
  14. Actually, this one felt way real to me. Even though I've never been serious about a straight girl there are those moments where I'm worried friends feel like I'm the icky lesbian who pervs on them like a straight guy or where straight friends have used me as validation ? the second is what I feel like may have happened if they weren't secretly into dudes in your situation? If it's based on a legit thing
  15. Oh this really beautiful actually. Much support, also you should write stories or things for forumer, you have a lovely writing style ?
  16. Really? Sank you! :)
    I might but.. I don't know what to write about 98% of the time :')
  17. Just added the t to aint
  18. Do I get a bento everytime I keep trying? ?
  19. You get a thing, idk about a bento. Is based on how I feel about the piece. Keep writing doe if the inspiration comes
  20. I am an expert with this. I have done this gazillion of times 

    "You walked into my life unannounced, and you left the door the same way you got in. When you told me you don't love me anymore, I was confused, frustrated and cannot think of anything else but why?. What have I done for you to come to this conclusion? You never gave me a reason, you never showed any signal, and never gave me much details about your decision to leave me. We were so in love yesterday, you told me you are so lucky to have me, and that you cannot imagine life without me but what happened overnight? All I want right now is an explanation so I know what to do to have you back, and for you to take me back. What do I need to change? What do I need to say? What do I need to be for you to be back? We stayed up all night talking about our lives, our future together and all the dreams we have. The next day all those are gone, nada, poof.. I want you back. I want us back. Take me back so I can fix this."