I shall call you Squishy and you shall be MINE

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X_Livi-is-dead_X, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. I usted to love sesame street
  2. It's on channel...


    Uber cute
  3. That's like two of my dogs right there! Molia does that to Mr. Cuddles when he tries to do anything.

    ^^^yes I have dogs named those names I also have three more named Grey, Quail Boy, and (my actual dog not one of the crew) Woofles
  4. I have one like those accept he has white fur ^.^
  5. That pic is too cute!!
  6. I shall name you... Moosley
  7. Molia and Mr. Cuddles are Irish wolf hounds

    Woofles is a German shepard mixed with a collie

    Grey and Quail are afghan hounds
  8. *SQUISHY BUMP* yes I made Squishy bump my thread.
  9. Mam... Seen it.
  10. I went there once!!!!
  11. ARRGHHH!!! Bet you havent seen this one

  12. Awwweeee. Hehe. I shalt rubbeth thy tummy
  13. It says Twitter but Facebook comments. Explain.
  14. Bad explaining. F!!