I need some girl advise

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by StarMyBorn, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. Oh wait nvm, I guess it was never stated. I thot Alicia was asking OP if he/she was a girl but it was the other way around
  2. Just invite her to your house and drop your keys in front of her ...when she reaches for them eat her ass .Problem solved?‍♂️
  3. You be watching way to many adult films 

    2019 imma be charged with sexual harassment, and serve a 25 years sentence
  4. Never ice scared. I think bowling sounds good!

    You all think a movie is lame?

    Also how about mini golfing, it’s been raining all week tho
  5. Try cosmic bowling; lights, music, food, plus a few drinks if you/she wants some.
    Glow golf is fun. Better than regular mini golf imo; and it's inside so bad weather won't ruin it.

  6. Honestly mate, it's really hard to give good honest advice because honestly you should take a Girl out to do something she enjoys, if Going out and partying isn't your kind of thing find somebody who fits into your comfort zone. Lemme be real with you I have yet to find a single girl that loves to party and club as a hobby seems like you'd get bored of drinking and grinding on random people you don't even know. Best advice mate is if you truly deeply like her find out what her hobbies are because I can Garuntee you those are not the only hobbies she has and if none of them sound like things you would be comfortable doing hit splitsville

    Also mini golf is lame
  7. Yes a movie is lame. Movies are fun to go to with people you already know well but you two are still getting to know each other. You have to do things where u can talk and bond
  8. You all think it’s lame if I text here and ask her what she wants to do?
  9. It's better to ask and get ideas than plan something that she dislikes. Unless you know something for sure, it's better to be safe than sorry.
  10. But form what I been told, girls like guys to have shit planed. And that’s confusing because the night not like it lol

    I like when we both come up with something to do
  11. take her to the local humane society to hang out with some cute cuddlies. if she doesn’t enjoy that then she garbo anyway.
  12. get her a cat
  14. You aren't changing who you are by doing something she likes, it's literally not that deep, it's one night.
  15. If you go to a club because she likes it and you don’t, it won’t go well and body language will show you’re uncomfortable which then she won’t wanna go out again, same thing vice versa if you go somewhere you like but she doesn’t. Find a hobby or event you both enjoy for the best outcome. Plus if it’s the first time doing something together why would food be a bad option? Conversation is key even if it’s just while out to lunch
  16. He said she don't wanna just eat, he don't wanna go clubbing. I don't see a compromise between that. OP trying something out for her isn't the worst thing in the world, it's a singular night.
    Plus, if he's too awkward for her, and she doesn't go out with him again because of it, it's not meant to be anyway.
    They don't seem compatible enough to even be sharing hobbies.
  17. You say they don’t seem compatible based on enjoying clubs/not enjoying them. That’s one thing, can’t make a fair decision of compatibility off that. If op goes to a club it’s doomed to fail from the start
  18. It's a club, it's not going to kill him.
    And if y'all acting like the club gonna hurt him so much obviously they aren't compatible enough.
  19. Op doesn’t like clubs, resulting in him not visually showing he’s having fun with her there, which is off-putting for a first get together. Which means no second “date” of any kind. Opposite of what op wants I’m sure
  20. If it's that bad they clearly aren't meant for each other.

    The unwillingness to sacrifice a singular night to try something for someone as simple as clubbing is more off putting.