Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -The_Empress-, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. what a huge let down, ata should be more generous like h'ween, these rewards were not worth the effort.
  2. She's intel because the zombie girl was strength. It's sort of like a balance
  3. I don't like zombie girl. I can't get her anyways, I didn't bother getting that many candies.
  4. HahahahahaI am so glad I completely ignored this hunt, while a huge pile of **** ata
  5. Its the other way around this time. People love the avatars but hate the items. The avatars are very good?
  6. Issue being solved... Lock thread please
  7. Its already fixed and the correct stat bonus should be appearing now, if not restart your pimd app and u will get the correct stat bonus.