Lol a status is a status, i don't give a flying muppet head about it, I prefer to start drama then act like the innocent one when my pupil gets involved
Why not doing a Cold War Edition? So some people are the Communists (club could be called "Commies"), and the other side would be the Capitalists (the club could be called "Capies" or "Cap$"). There would be multiple battles to this war. The whole war would pretty much be a tournament with many wars, of which would be the "Space Conquest", "Asia's revolutions", "Cuba's missiles", and many others. If any of you guys are interested to develop it with me, it'd be nice.
Popes are always abusive. The religion represented by the said spiritual leader claims that living in poverty amongst the ordinary people is how everyone should live, but popes and other officials of Catholicism beg for money to keep their huge castle and the pope alive and rich. The pope's ring is usually entirely made of gold with some precious stones, and the rings only serve for one pope. They pretty much violate every rules of their religion. But the new pope seems to be way better.
Shinnykicks or whatever your dumb name is your not the boss of me I'm allowed to speak asking as I do not brake PIMD rules so how about you do everyone a favor and shut up since your the one causing the damn drama
People do war re-enactments all the time, nothing wrong with it. If u are sooooo insulted with wars then maybe u shouldn't be playing a game that people war in. Seriously grow up and find something worthy of talking stupid about.